Publications - consentec
Consentec GmbH


Texts and presentations are the main outputs of our work. Here you will find links and downloads to studies published or approved for publication by our clients, as well as contributions to the academic and policy debate by our team members.

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fossilfrei-Podcast Folge 22 „Braucht Deutschland eine eigene Solarindustrie?

Guest contribution for the fossilfrei-podcast (ger)

Energiewende und Versorgungssciherheit: Ein Widerspruch?

Lecture & panel discussion as part of a Scientists for Future(S4F) event at the University of Bayreuth (ger)

Integration von Elektromobilität ins Verteilnetz

Online workshop on the integration of electromobility into the distribution grid

Benchmarking in der 5. Regulierungsperiode

presentation for the expert conference „Regulierung ab 2024“

Politisches Symposium

Presentation (ger)