News - consentec

Current news

In the project ‘Long-term scenarios for the transformation of the energy system in Germany’ (Long-term scenarios 3), scenarios for the future development of a greenhouse gas-neutral energy system were modelled on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. The orientation scenarios O45-Electricity and O45-H2 are a further development of the T45-Electricity and T45-Electricity* scenarios and the T45-H2 scenario from the previous scenario rounds. The O45-Electricity scenario analyses a path towards greenhouse gas neutrality that relies heavily on electricity use and the O45-H2 scenario a path towards greenhouse gas neutrality that relies heavily on hydrogen use. The report was produced in collaboration between Consentec GmbH, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, ifeu – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg and the Technical University of Berlin.

Our managing director, Wolfgang Fritz, was interviewed by Daniel Hautmann for tha magazin “EnergieWinde” by Ørsted on the topic of Network Tariffs. The resulting article has now been published here.

We are delighted to present our new website just in time for the 25th anniversary of our company!
To mark this milestone in our company’s history, we have refreshed our online presence to offer our customers and partners an even better experience.

As usual, but in a new style, the new site offers up-to-date information on our services and publications, as well as insights into our company history and the latest developments.

A new feature is our blog, in which our team regularly publishes free texts on current topics. Here we share our thoughts on relevant industry developments and provide insights into our visions for the future.
In addition, under ’News’ you will now also find an overview of upcoming dates and events in which our colleagues will be involved.

We hope that you like our new website design. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our secretarial team. We will be happy to help you.

Almost two weeks ago, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) came out in favour of a “Kombinierter Kapazitätsmarkt (KKM)”. The BMWK has now published a paper containing a proposal for the design of a “Kombinierter Kapazitätsmarkt (KKM)”. The paper was prepared by the two consulting companies Consentec and r2b and the Öko-Institut on behalf of the BMWK. On 19 pages the authors describe how the market design could be implemented. The paper is available here.

Our Managing Director Christoph Maurer was a guest on the fossilfrei podcast alongside other experts from the energy sector and presented his views on the current topic of the PV industry in Germany and the EU under the moderation of Alexander Roth & Wolf-Peter Schill. The episode is available here(ger).

Upcoming events

Our Managing Director, Wolfgang Fritz, will take part in the panel discussion titled "FORUM 1 STARKE NETZE - Wie weiter mit der Anreizregulierung?" at 2:45 PM at the BDEW Congress, which will be chaired by Jan Kiskemper and Kevan Skorna (BDEW).
Our Managing Director, Christoph Maurer, will give a keynote speech at the 4th annual conference of the Renewable Energies Market Initiative titled "Kapazitätsmarkt, Umstellung EE-Förderung, lokale Signale: Was bedeutet das neue Strommarktdesign für den marktgetriebenen Zubau erneuerbarer Energien?".
Our Managing Director, Christoph Maurer, will be a panellist at the event "Energie- und WirtschaftsClub der EnBW in Berlin" on the topic "Is combining too complex? How the capacity market of the future should be organised".
Our Managing Director, Christoph Maurer, will take part in the 20th Salzburg Europe Summit as a panellist in the panel discussion on Dialogue IV "The EU on the way to the Energy Union?".
Our Managing Director, Christoph Maurer, will be attending the workshop "Verteilernetze als Flaschenhals für den Zubau von Windenergie- und Solaranlagen – Was ist zu tun?" on the day before the main conference of the 26. Würzburger Gespräche zum Umweltenergierecht. His contribution belongs to topic block 2: "Wo liegen die Hindernisse bei Netzanschluss und -zugang von Erneuerbare-Energien-Anlagen?"
Our Managing Director, Christoph Maurer, will be a panellist in the concluding panel discussion on "Negative Preise, Flexibilitäten, Speicher – Strommarktdesign für den PV-Ausbau" at the 26. Würzburger Gespräche zum Umweltenergierecht at the end of the conference.