Current news
We are delighted to present our new website just in time for the 25th anniversary of our company!
To mark this milestone in our company’s history, we have refreshed our online presence to offer our customers and partners an even better experience.
As usual, but in a new style, the new site offers up-to-date information on our services and publications, as well as insights into our company history and the latest developments.
A new feature is our blog, in which our team regularly publishes free texts on current topics. Here we share our thoughts on relevant industry developments and provide insights into our visions for the future.
In addition, under ’News’ you will now also find an overview of upcoming dates and events in which our colleagues will be involved.
We hope that you like our new website design. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our secretarial team. We will be happy to help you.
Almost two weeks ago, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) came out in favour of a “Kombinierter Kapazitätsmarkt (KKM)”. The BMWK has now published a paper containing a proposal for the design of a “Kombinierter Kapazitätsmarkt (KKM)”. The paper was prepared by the two consulting companies Consentec and r2b and the Öko-Institut on behalf of the BMWK. On 19 pages the authors describe how the market design could be implemented. The paper is available here.
Our Managing Director Christoph Maurer was a guest on the fossilfrei podcast alongside other experts from the energy sector and presented his views on the current topic of the PV industry in Germany and the EU under the moderation of Alexander Roth & Wolf-Peter Schill. The episode is available here(ger).
As part of the Platform Climate Neutral Electricity System (PKNS), Consentec is supporting the BMWK with questions on how the future electricity market design and thus a secure, affordable electricity and energy supply based exclusively on renewable energies can be organised. The BMWK has now published options for the future electricity market design, which are essentially based on the discussions of the PKNS. Stakeholders are now invited to take part in a written consultation on this options paper until 28 August. Further information can be found in the publication “Electricity market design of the future – options for a secure, affordable and sustainable electricity system”, which the BMWK published today.
Once again, we are delighted that Consentec has been recognised by the Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) as one of the most renowned consulting firms in the energy sector based on assessments by a large peer group of management consultants. The Handelsblatt reported on the methodology and results of this analysis on 4 July 2024. The report can be found here(German).