Security of Supply
Options for reducing electricity consumption
Project name: Options for reducing electricity consumption to strengthen security of supply
Commissioned by: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Timeframe: 2023
Contact: Luise Bangert
The progress of decarbonisation is changing the roles of generation and consumption in the electricity supply system. While in the past, flexibility requirements were mainly met by , is becoming increasingly important in an electricity supply system characterised by volatile renewable energies and sector coupling technologies.
In light of the 2022 energy crisis, Switzerland has therefore also discussed the necessity and usefulness of demandin the course of discussions about a “winter reserve”. Following this, the BFE commissioned Consentec and the ZHAW to compile a systematic overview of use cases for in the electricity system to strengthen security of supply, to estimate potentials differentiated by load reduction and load shifting, and to develop a concrete concept for a demand reserve.

Analysis has shown that there are potential use cases for load reduction both in terms of a possible threat to security of supply in the area of energy balance and the area of electricity grids. However, there are various obstacles to the implementation (development and activation) of load reduction, e.g. due to process and information deficits and lack of incentives, but also due to price caps in the electricity market.
For the possible introduction of a consumption reserve, an implementation was recommended in which consumers odder in an annual auction to be limited to a certain output when called upon. This would ensure that the load of participating consumers does not exceed the guaranteed maximum load level they have selected in the event of demand or, in other words, that their electricity consumption is reduced to this value.
The project report is available online.
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