Bernd Tersteegen - consentec

Bernd Tersteegen

Principal Consultant

Dr. Bernd Tersteegen is Principal Consultant and joined Consentec in 2011. He is an expert on European power market design as well as support schemes for and system integration of renewables. Furthermore, he is working on projects investigating long-term scenarios towards decarbonized energy systems including the expansion of RES-production in Germany and Europe. Bernd is also expert in the economic and technical assessment of power plant projects as well as the evaluation of various ways of marketing power plants. Furthermore, he is extensively experienced in the field of regulatory benchmarking of electricity and gas distribution network operators. Before Bernd joined Consentec in 2011, he worked as a scientific staff member of the Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics at RWTH Aachen University, and since July 2010 head of the research group “Electricity Generation and Trading”. He studied electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University and holds a doctoral degree (Ph.D.), his dissertation dealt with price uncertainties in the medium-term planning of power generation and trading.