Options for the future electricity market design - consentec

Options for the future electricity market design

As part of the Platform Climate Neutral Electricity System (PKNS), Consentec is supporting the BMWK with questions on how the future electricity market design and thus a secure, affordable electricity and energy supply based exclusively on renewable energies can be organised. The BMWK has now published options for the future electricity market design, which are essentially based on the discussions of the PKNS. Stakeholders are now invited to take part in a written consultation on this options paper until 28 August. Further information can be found in the publication "Electricity market design of the future - options for a secure, affordable and sustainable electricity system", which the <a href="https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Meldung/2024/20240802-strommarktdesign.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BMWK published today</a>.