Security of Supply
Monitoring the security of electricity supply
Project name: Monitoring the security of electricity supply; assessment for the monitoring report 2021
Commissioned by: Bundesnetzagentur
Timeframe: 2020 – 2022
Contact: Philipp Baumanns

Höhe der Importe der Gebotszone Deutschland/Luxemburg, die erforderlich sind, um Nachfrageüberhänge zu vermeiden (Säule: Durchschnitt über alle Monte-Carlo-Jahre, Whisker 95%-Quantil, Schwarzer Balken: Maximal mögliche Importkapazität) [1]
In accordance with the (EnWG), the German NRA must submit a report to the Federal Government every two years on the status and development of security of supply in the area of electricity supply.
As an essential basis for the 2022 report, Consentec, in cooperation with the IER of the University of Stuttgart and the FfE, supported the Federal Network Agency with an expert assessment that examined both the security of supply in the area of the demand-oriented supply of electricity (resource adequacy) and in the area of the secure transmission of electricity (transmission adequacy).
The methodological approach was based on the requirements of the for so-called “Resource Adequacy Assessments”. In particular, the rational investment and disinvestment behaviour of players on electricity markets is modelled. Expected values and distributions for the key security of supply indicators LOLE (Loss of Load Expectation) and EENS (Expected Energy Not Served) are then determined as part of a Monte-Carlo-Simulation covering 3150 years, which models the uncertainties of weather data and the availability of generation plants in particular. Detailed analyses also make it possible, among other things, to determine the import requirements necessary to guarantee security of supply.

Transmission Adequacy: (n-1)-Engpasshäufigkeit in Stunden pro Jahr im Wetterjahr 2012 [2]
In the area of transmission adequacy, the dispatch behaviour in electricity markets was modelled based on flow-based market coupling and a subsequent grid operation simulation for congestion detection and congestion elimination with redispatch measures.
The report is available online.