network tariff system
Project name: improvement options of the network tariff system
Commissioned by: Ministry of energy transition, agriculture, environment, nature and digitalization of Schleswig-Holstein
Timeframe: 2021
Contact: Christian Linke
Vergleich der spezifischen Jahreskosten von 32 Netzbetreibern, beispielhaft für die Niederspannungsebene (Stand 2021) [1]
There are considerable regional differences in the charged by German distribution grid operators. One of the reasons for this spread is that grid operators in areas with a high level of renewable energy (RE) expansion have to invest heavily in grid expansion and the associated costs are passed on to a comparatively low level of electricity consumption, particularly in rural areas. Grid operators in rural areas of northern and eastern Germany are particularly affected by this problem. Due to this, Consentec was commissioned by the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Energy to investigate how the additional costs incurred by grid operators as a result of the integration of renewable energy could be socialised nationwide.

In the study, various approaches were developed and evaluated for a methodology that can be implemented with reasonable data and implementation costs for determining the share of network costs caused by renewable energy and for their nationwide socialisation. Conceptual aspects, legal and regulatory adjustment requirements and procedural implementation issues were examined and the effects on the grid fee levels in exemplary grid areas were estimated on the basis of quantitative modelling.

Konzept des regionalen Kostenausgleichs mittels Umlagezahlungen: Einzahlungen per Umlage (oben) und Ausgleichszahlungen an Netzbetreiber mit EE-bedingten Mehrkosten (unten) [2]
As a result of the subsequent discussions at political and regulatory level, the German NRA Bundesnetzagentur has taken up and further developed one of the concepts considered in this study – cost equalisation on the basis of compensation – for their decision on the “Distribution of additional costs in grids from the integration of plants for the generation of electricity from renewable sources” (BK8-24-001-A).
The report is available online.